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Mrs. AmericaBlogs

Enlightened Entertainment: “Mrs. America”

Enlightened Entertainment Finding Life Lessons in Movies & Television: “Mrs. America”

The original plan for this edition was to write a fluff piece on Trolls World Tour, but as a fan of FX Original Series, I came across the star-studded tale of the movement to ratify the Equal Rights Amendment (ERA) and the ‘conservative’ women who stood in its way. After just a few episodes, Mrs. America reminds us that the struggles that existed 40 years ago still prevail today.

To continue reading, visit On Stage Blog

Rey PalptineBlogs

Enlightened Entertainment: Rise of Skywalker

Enlightened Entertainment Finding Life Lessons in Movies & Television: “The Rise of Skywalker”

The entire Star Wars saga is engrossed in Buddhist and Taoist teachings. Some of these lessons are more obvious than others, from Rey meditating to connect with the Force to everything Yoda says, ever. But some of the wisdom in the newest episode The Rise of Skywalker is a lot more subtle.

To continue reading, visit On Stage Blog


Enlightened Entertainment – Spider-man: Into the Spiderverse

Enlightened Entertainment Finding Life Lessons in Movies & Television: “Spider-Man: Into the Spider-verse”

“With great power, comes great responsibility”. This saying became part of mainstream culture since Sam Raimi created the first Spiderman movie back in 2002 but the aphorism has been around in some variation in history (and in comics) for centuries. While the ‘Peter Parker Principle’ is an extremely edifying proverb that is essential to this movie’s context, Spider-Man; Into The Spider-verse is filled with life lessons and undertones of true enlightenment synced up to a killer soundtrack.

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Natural Medicine ChestAt Home Remedies Blogs

The Natural Medicine Chest

Natural Medicine ChestThe Natural Medicine Chest (Stuff to Always Have on Hand)

Looking through my medicine cabinet the other day, I realized the stuff in mine is probably a bit different than the contents in most other peoples’ chests. While I probably have a closet worth of supplements at home for emergency situations, I have a few go-to remedies that I think everyone should have on hand.

Check out what I always have on hand for the natural treatment of acute situations.


At Home Remedies Blogs

Manuka Matata – Wonderful Ways to Use Manuka Honey

Honey is great for treating the symptoms and effects of colds, sore throats and the flu. But few of us know that there are tons of different types of honey out there and they all differ in how they work and how well they work.

Manuka honey, for instance, is the not the typical honey you might find in grocery stores and has some great medicinal properties. This honey is only cultivated in New Zealand and parts of Australia, where the tea tree plant grows (beware the ‘Manuka’ honey that doesn’t come from this region). It has an active chemical called Methylglyoxal or MGO. MGO can be measured in Manuka honey to determine how medicinal it is. MGO can range anywhere from 100 to 550 parts per million (ppm). But to be antiviral and antibacterial, it has to have 250 ppm or more MGO.



Naturopathic Confession #1

Recently in my practice, I’m coming across a lot of guilt from patients when they can’t stick to their diet or take their supplements everyday or exercise regularly; even though I make an effort to make it perfectly clear that it’s ok to mess up.

To show the world that it’s ok (and healthy) to not be perfect, I came up with the idea of ‘Naturopathic Confessions‘ (*read in a whispered voice*). Weekly, I’m going to post a quote from naturopathic doctors stating how they’re not always perfect when it comes to this stuff, too.

None of us are perfect and this is my effort to spread the word that even we don’t always stick to the plan.

So here is one (of many) of mine. Stay tuned weekly for confessions from some of your favorite naturopathic doctors.


At Home Remedies

What to do when your child has a fever.

The body normally runs around 98.6°F, but mild elevations can occur normally after exercise, excessive clothing, a hot bath or hot weather. And an infant’s temperature tends to rise after bottle or breastfeeding for a half hour or more.
Most childhood fevers, in the range of 99°-104°F or 37.8°-40°C, are not harmful, and are usually due to a viral infection.


A fever is the body’s normal response to an infection by raising the temperature to a level making the body inhospitable to viral or bacterial growth. It is important NOT to prevent the body from this important infection fighting process.

The naturopathic perspective tends to regard fevers below 102°F or 39°C as “friendly” and of use to the body to help the it kill off bacteria or viruses.

A fever won’t cause any symptoms until it reaches 101.5°-103°F or 38.9-39.4°C and no harm can come to a child until it their temperature reaches 106.7°-107.6°F or 41.7 to 42.2°C.
Only 4% of children with high fevers (over 104°F) will develop febrile convulsions, which are generally considered harmless.

Children over 2 months of age can be given acetaminophen/Tylenol every 4-6 hours, but only if the child is uncomfortable and the fever is over 102°F or 39°C.
This will reduce the fever 1-2°F or by 0.5°-1 °C within 2 hours, but only if the fever was low-grade to begin with.
Dosage is determined by weight. Follow the instructions provided by the manufacturer (there are some great resources online if you’re unsure).
Do NOT give children (up to the age of 21) aspirin if they have chickenpox, sore throat, cold, or flu symptoms because it is linked to Reye’s syndrome (a rare but serious condition that causes swelling in the liver and brain).

Rectal: Lubricate the bulb of the rectal thermometer. Hold the baby on your lap or have the child lay on the bed. It is best to keep the baby in a position that allows for minimal movement. Insert the bulb one inch into the rectum. Hold in place for 3-5 minutes. Normal is 99.6°F or 37.8°C, give or take 0.5°F.
Oral: Some children can manage an oral thermometer by age 4-5. If in doubt, use an axial or rectal temperature. Place the bulb of the thermometer under the tongue and hold for 2-3 minutes. Be sure to tell the child not to bite the thermometer. Normal is 98.6°F or 37°C, give or take 0.5°F.
Axillary: Place the bulb under the child’s arm and hold the arm down for a minimum of 5 minutes. Normal is 97.6°F or 36.5°C, give or take 0.5°F.

Immediately if:

Child under 2 months •
Purple spots present on skin

Fever over 104°F or 40.1°C(oral) •
Difficult breathing

Child cries inconsolably •
Child drools or can’t swallow

Child cries if touched/moved •
Convulsions occur

Child’s neck is stiff •
Child is very lethargic

Child difficult to wake •
Parent is very concerned
Discuss with your physician (during next available office hours) if:
Fever lasts longer than 72 hours
Child has a history of febrile seizures
Fever left for more than 24 hours and has now returned.
Within 24 hours if:
Fever lasts longer than 24 hours
Fever between 102-104°F
Burning pain when child urinates
Child is less than 24 months old (unless fever occurs within 48 hours of DPT shot)

Encourage, but don’t force fluids. Pedialyte or diluted juice can help keep them hydrated.
Increase frequency of breast or bottle feeding.
Keep clothing to a minimum.
Provide fresh air (60-65°F).
Cold wet compresses to forehead, nape of the neck, abdomen, back or feet.
Wet sheet wrap: Use a wet sheet (wrung out so that it is not dripping wet). Wrap infant so that all skin is covered, except the face and mouth are exposed. Cover in a wool blanket. The baby may fuss at first, but will settle down. Keep wrapped for up of 30-40 minutes.
Sponge with cool or tepid water in small circles moving towards the heart; or give your child a tepid bath.
Keep child calm and resting as much as possible; no vigorous playing.
Provide simple, bland nourishing foods such as soups, broths, or rice made with tons of garlic.

Free-Range ChildrenBlogs

Free-Range Children

How many times did you hear one of your parents tell you to go out and play as a kid?  If you were lucky like me, you heard it a lot. Why is that lucky? Because studies are showing that being outdoors can have a huge impact on the welfare of children and their present and future health.  In fact, more and more studies have shown that “natural environments” have a direct and positive impact on the well-being of one’s childhood, and later into adulthood [1].

“I felt my lungs inflate with the onrush of scenery—air, mountains, trees, people. I thought, “This is what it is to be happy.”

― Sylvia Plath, The Bell Jar
